Individual Counsellor in Bath

Paul James Counselling

It is not easy reaching out to a therapist you do not know, I have been on my own personal journey, so I know how it feels. I can guide you through your challenges and help you find the solutions you need to get back on track with your life.

My Counselling service can support you by enabling you to get in touch with feelings or emotions which may have previously been too painful or frightening for you to feel. 

Therapy with myself creates a nurturing space for connection needs to emerge, particularly needs that have been shut down for a very long time. Therapy lets us feel those needs again in a natural way and helps us to get to know the anger, fear or shame that can be tangled up with need.

I have always been interested in how the human mind works, and how our past experiences can affect our present life. From a young age, I seemed to have had an innate awareness and understanding of people. I am passionate about helping people find their way in life.

Throughout my own life, I have experienced my own struggles and challenges. The journey of discovery I went on helped me to understand how my past traumas Affected my present-day issues. I have a wide range of experience working in the field of addiction, both from a personal and professional point of view. 

These are some of the issues I help clients with:

  • Addictions and recovery
  • Relationship struggles
  • Relational Trauma
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Overwhelm
  • Low Confidence
  • Abuse
  • CPTSD (Complex post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Depression/ anxiety
  • Lack of motivation

A therapeutic relationship is unlike any other relationship; it involves 50 minutes of time dedicated to finding solutions for you; my role as your therapist is to walk alongside you on your path of self-discovery and acceptance.

My Experience Supporting Clients with Addictions

Addiction can severely limit one’s life. I work with both substance addictions (alcohol, drugs) and process addictions (gambling, pornography, food).

Most addictions initially feel good but progressively worsen over time. Despite our intentions to stop, we often feel powerless against their pull.

I use the waterfall analogy to explain recovery: When you’re at the edge, the force of cravings is powerful. In therapy, we work together to help you step away.

Key aspects of addiction recovery:

  • Recognising how addiction progressively worsens over time
  • Learning to step away from the “waterfall edge” of addictive patterns
  • Receiving support during the difficult early weeks of recovery
  • Challenging faulty thinking that says life is impossible without the addiction
  • Moving toward “calmer waters” where clarity returns
  • Addressing underlying feelings and traumas once addiction is stabilised
  • Exploring whether controlled use or abstinence is right for you
  • Accessing additional support through therapy groups or 12-step programmes when needed

With considerable experience in addiction recovery, I’m here to help you find your path to a more fulfilling life.

Trauma Responses and Complex PTSD: How I Can Help

Living with complex PTSD is very life-limiting. I have a lot of experience working with trauma and how complex PTSD cripples people’s lives.

I work with and help people heal from living in one of the 4 Fs: Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn—these are responses to our trauma.

Although the 4 Fs might have served us well when the actual traumas were happening, it’s hard to shut them off once the trauma is over; they then become emotional flashbacks. Emotional flashbacks are re-felt emotions and reactions based on past traumas rather than memories.

This means someone can be sat in a coffee shop and suddenly feel unsafe and under threat, which has been triggered by a conscious or sometimes unconscious memory.

When we enter an emotional flashback, we might freeze. This brings feelings of being stuck or frozen, which could be physical or internal. Going into the freeze can leave us feeling hypervigilant, paranoid to people around us. In the freeze flashback, a person might look calm but inside they are feeling terror.

A person might flight, leave the area in the hope they can feel safe again. A person who has the flight response will be avoidant in their relationships, blowing hot and cold at the drop of a hat. A person with the flight response might find it hard to hold down jobs because they are forever getting spooked by someone or something and leaving.

When someone responds with fawn, they become people pleasers, saying yes when they mean no. A fawn type could become codependent, over-relying on the approval of others in a bid to feel safe. This gives a brief feeling of safety, but it is short-lived. They are continually in a state of subservience. There is a loss of self with all the four Fs, but I feel the fawn responder has the greatest detachment.

The fight responder will find it hard to be around people and possibly feel quite paranoid. The way they respond is by fighting fire with fire. This could lead someone to be violent for no apparent reason. The fight can also be by arguing with friends and partners; it is not just about physically fighting.

After a counselling session with myself, you can expect to come away feeling heard, understood, and validated. Counselling with myself can take many different forms depending on what issues you bring.

Potential outcomes from counselling

  • Grow and nurture your self-esteem, self-acceptance, and confidence
  • Have the ability to recognise what your triggers are from your past
  • Start to feel better in yourself and feel equal to others around you
  • Start to feel less shame and regrets in your life
  • Gain self-awareness and emotional literacy
  • Gain the ability to challenge and heal from self-destructive behaviours
  • Learn how to express and feel your anger in a healthy way
  • A stronger ability to manage and cope with stress
  • An increased ability to make healthy decisions in your life

“When a person realizes they have been deeply heard, their eyes moisten. I think in some real sense they are weeping for joy. It is as though he were saying, “Thank God, somebody heard me. Someone knows what it’s like to be me”

Carl R. Rogers

Booking an appointment with me

I offer a brief phone conversation for you to get a feel of how I work, and to ask any questions which may arise. I am available for any questions via email. Then we can arrange for face to face or zoom appointments at a time that suits you.

Find my fees listed here Session Fees